Almost There

I’ve managed to migrate MomEx posts, which run on WordPress, to Drupal 5.9 on my test server. Whoopee!

I used WordPress Import, a pretty powerful tool which is still in development mode. On the surface it’s a straightforward process of installing the module, uploading your WordPress .wxr file and then mapping out which posts are ‘owned’ by which users (aka authors). It then transfers both posts and comments associated with it.

It becomes a hell of a lot more complicated though when your .wxr file is 17mb. like mine, and I have nearly a hundred different subscribers and authors.

Continue reading Almost There

Aspiring DIY Online Publishers: Learn Photoshop

You know I’ve been blogging for almost 8 years now, and am still constantly floored as to the fact that what I write here is actually read by real people. I know that sounds nuts, since this is, of course, a blog on the in’ernet for chrissake, but I just checked out my ‘Just a few thoughts before I hie of to ZZZ land’ post last May 21, and the counter there says its been read 2412 times.

Now I know that counter can be wrong and is nowhere near as accurate as I’d want it to be, but 2412 times?!?! Even if the right number is just half that, I’d still be floored.

The reason why these things surprise me I think, is really because I really just write for myself when I write on this thing. Now I know that sounds like a whole lotta hallelujah, but that’s the truth. Stuff happens to me, and I wanna write it here so I won’t forget. Writing it here, I get to put a date and time stamp on it, and maybe two or three folks, like, say, a batchmate or a relative, will check it out and chime in with their own thoughts. Perfectly reasonable, right?

But 2412?!? Wow, if I say so myself.

Continue reading Aspiring DIY Online Publishers: Learn Photoshop

Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) + rtorrent notes

Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) + rtorrent notes

Ok so since blogs are diaries of a sort I’m writing here my notes on my recent successful move from Centos to Ubuntu, which has been met with success in no small part due to Ubuntu’s wealth of online help and support.

What I’m doing here is compile all the info on the docs I used to a.) install and configure Ubuntu 6.10 Server aka ‘Edgy’, b.) install and configure ssh server on it, so you can access it remotely, c.) install and configure libtorrent 0.11.4 and rtorrent 0.7.4 (the latest versions as of this writing. Just change the versions as needed.) and finally d.) install and run screen, which is like, duh easy.

At the end of this you’ll have what I have, an Ubuntu computer accessed remotely via SSH (using a nice friendly SSH client like Putty) which happily downloads torrents day in and day out (for whatever nefarious reasons you may have which you will leave completely to yourself of course). Meanwhile my XP work computer, is saved from the trouble.

I’m doing this not to help world hunger or anything, rather the opposite – this doc is purely for myself – so I can remember what I did and reference to it from time to time – which means that it’ll be written in SIMPLE EASY TO UNDERSTAND ENGLISH as opposed to a great deal of linux docs out there that are either heavy on theory, heavy on trying to be cute and funny, or both, making it totally unreadable and useless. Yup you know what I’m talking about.

So off we go.

Continue reading Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) + rtorrent notes

Steam Microwaving Chicken

So since this is a cooking site… err, no it isn’t. But I wanna put up pics of what I cook and eat everyday, and I find the topic interesting, so there!!

Seriously, just wanted to share with you how to steam chicken with carrots and potatoes in a microwave, using a p200.00 microwave steaming contraption you can buy anywhere. I bought mine at some hardware store. I promise you it’s delish. Here we go:

The plastic contraption steaming cooking thingy has three parts. You put water at the lowest part, filling it to about half is good.

Then you need some chicken parts. Rock salt and pepper to taste.

Continue reading Steam Microwaving Chicken

DVD-RW and Power Supply Installation Picture Taking Madness!!

I’ve no idea why I’m doing this. I think I’m probably bored. And it’s not like I’ve other more pressing things to do. Anyway, am putting up pics of my new Power Supply and DVDRW. Ok so here we go:

Out with the old.

In with the new.

Continue reading DVD-RW and Power Supply Installation Picture Taking Madness!!

How To Update Drupal 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 (aka a Drupal HowTo for the rest of us)

I figured it was time to make one of my howtos. The Drupal UPGRADE.TXT file is fairly straightforward:

  1. Backup your database and Drupal directory – especially your configuration file in ‘sites/default/settings.php’.
  2. Log on as the user with user ID 1.
  3. Remove all the old Drupal files then unpack the new Drupal files into the directory that you run Drupal from.
  4. Modify the new configuration file to make sure it has the latest and correct information.
  5. Run update.php by visiting

But everyone knows things aren’t usually as they seem, so I went ahead and made a whole drupal howto on my own with pictures and everything. Here goes:

Continue reading How To Update Drupal 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 (aka a Drupal HowTo for the rest of us)

Chuck Norris Rewrites Drupal 4.6 Installation Instructions

Chuck Norris Rewrites Drupal 4.6 Installation InstructionsOk I’m still obsessed with, (and with such quips as “Chuck Norris can divide by zero”, how can one not be?), but I’ve also got a life, and in this life I do websites, amongst other nefarious schemes to rule the world.

As such, I’ve recently come to encounter Drupal, which, in a sentence, is an open source content management system, and “can support a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites”.

Continue reading Chuck Norris Rewrites Drupal 4.6 Installation Instructions

howto put google ads on a phpbb forum

I got to do something productive today! I finally managed to put Google Ads onto my project Broadband Exchange. I actually manage five or so PHPBB installations, but bEx (as I like to call it), is mine and mine alone, which allows me to a.) screw it up if I feel like it and b.) put humongous Google Ads again, should the wind blow in that direction.

At any rate, let me list down what I did, partially for myself, and mostly really for whoever else out there who wants to learn this stuff. But firstly some groundrules:

Continue reading howto put google ads on a phpbb forum