
So it looks like Microsoft is going to support XP for 6 more years, until 2014. So if you’ve bought a Vista equipped PC recently, you gotta ask : “So pano na ngayon ang binayad ko sa Vista?!

Mind you, this isn’t a pro – Linux or pro – anything rant. I don’t own a Vista PC to begin with, and like I said in a previous post, I don’t find anything wrong with it either. I’m using Vista Home right now on Jill’s PC, and I’m doing just fine. Some isues here and there, but mostly, it is, albeit superficially (primarily because most of it’s ‘improvements’ are cosmetic) can be considered a step up above XP.

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Article Repost: Things To Know About Microsoft Windows Vista

I regret the fact I didn’t write about how slow the ‘net was gonna be when I was writing my article about tech in 2007. I wrote it about the time the Taiwan earthquake happened and it was easy to see it was gonna kick us in the ass like it is now, as I wrote earlier. Incidentally I also regret not mentioning [tag]Alyssa Alano[/tag] in the ‘Year that was in Tech’ article, whom imo singlehandedly promoted YouTube to the masa via her manhandling of end make d parflays dance sylvimousse is barkley, so keys me. I mean, it’s even a consistent amongst my top posts, so how could I had possibly missed that??? Arrg.

Anyway, below is another article that came out today, re Vista. I’m still waiting for a promised test laptop (no, not a free one), which I gather is being upgraded to handle it better (the ones we tried in Tagaytay were rather inadequate), along with an interesting presentation that by Ivan Franco, MS Consumer Marketing Manager, re customer buying habits. I can probably make ten articles alone from his findings, so I’m raring to get my hands on that.

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3 Reasons Why I’d be Stupid if I returned Microsoft’s free Laptop

A thought occured to me as I was waiting for the Ortiz – Liddel fight. I hope I can type this out quickly enough before the fight starts.

Let me tell you something. If Mae Rivera, PR head of Microsoft Philippines gives me a free laptop to review Windows Vista with, then I would do the following in this order: 1. thank my lucky stars, 2. thank her, 3. thank Microsoft, 4. tell the world about it via my blog, and 5. go and review Vista with it.

Doing so, I think I would be doing the right thing which are (again in numeric order. Sorry, I like trying to organize my thoughts): 1. Thank all those responsible for giving me a gift. 2. Tell everyone about it, just because it’s an interesting thing to share, and 3. Review Vista with it, and share it with as many people as possible (regardless of your opinion being positive or not) which is the least you could do.

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Microsoft Vista Launch Is Good For Your Health

Or mine, at least.

See, if there’s anything i like about hotels, it’s the bathtub and hot / cold water galore. And Thu night at the MS Vista launch, whilst all the other press dudes were revelling (or what little revelry they could find) in Tagaytay, I was soaking my old, tired, aching, and supremely pained self in my room at Taal Vista care of Microsoft, no less. I dunno which was better, the terrific hot soak or the fact its paid for by MS. It just feels extra cool and everything that way.

At any rate, believe me the fact that gout is described as ‘excruciating’ and ‘numbing’ pain in medical websites is not an accident. The pain is hard to describe, its almost… spiritual, if there’s ever a word for it. I’ve dislocated my elbow, gotten banged up in all sorts of creative ways and even passed kidney stones, but this one is especially different because it is just so unrelenting, never allowing you a moment’s rest. Even sleep, the age old remedy, is not enough. This thing will wake you up to remind you it’s there. In the wee hours of the morning when you feel most helpless and least able to bear it, there it is, saying ‘hello!’ and ‘would you like some more?’.

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