aaand we’re back! (again)

Finally found a good enough host for this blog, and Movie Exchange as well, which we are now re-christening as (drumroll please…):

awww yeah. I admit there was a point when I was wondering if I was even gonna resurrect either blog, but I decided, what the heck. The cost isn’t too steep and besides, I really don’t like the idea of stuff I’ve written in either blog to just disappear forever. Not that I’m necessarily the most read-worthy or sensible (or even consistent) blogger in the world but hey, I occasionally have my moments (at least I hope so) so I really don’t want it all to end up as some .tarball on my hard disk after all that work.

Having said that, I’d like to say I also miss PWIT (Philippine Week in Tech) too, which I was writing for a few months back but unfortunately was put to pasture by Adel. Truth is I have a lot of explaining to do as per the fact I missed out on writing duties on that blog when it was still around, but at the end of the day I kinda feel bad that stuff I wrote on it is gone forever. So Adel, if you read this, please holler if you’re interested in working to put it together again ok? I promise I’ll be more diligent in my writing duties.

Speaking of which, I’m now off to attend an event for SME Insight, the only dead tree publication I’m still writing for to date. After that is to my client at Ortigas, then an important meeting with PLUG where we need to sort out things.

Details of which require a whole new post altogether, but one I am unable to make due to time constraints. Will endeavor to do so at a later date. For now, see y’all later.

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