Made an activity board for Ace! Here’s the large white board getting painted white.
Bunch of tools and items I would be putting on it.
The red ‘door’.
the first mock – up before putting things together.
Another look.
and after an hour or so, the first test run with it on the floor! Ace didn’t give it as much attention as I had hoped initially mostly because the room I worked on was filled with different distractions.
His first encounter with it!
He tinkers with it a lot for minutes at a time. We’re happy because if he had been tinkering with the same object in real use such as an electrical outlet or locks we’d have to make him stop. This way he can rattle and pull and twist all he likes and we’d just be in the background smiling.
I still have a few plywood and odd bits lying around for future projects, so this won’t be the last.
Now that’s the biggest, coolest fidget spinner ever. :)
Aren’t you afraid that he’ll think that live electrical outlets are safe to play with?