Happy Father’s Day To Me

Today is my first ever Father’s Day.

It’s 2pm and so far I’ve spent the day washing dishes, installing an extension cord so it’s bolted to the side of our kitchen table (we had been running out of electric plugs at that area), emptied the trash bins and replaced the linings, ordered KFC and ordered delivery of drinking water (2 pieces of 2 piece original with rice, small mashed potatoes and coleslaw, 3 5 gallon water bottles respectively).

I woke up around 6am and as usual walked Ace out to get him some sun, came back when he got fussy and there wasn’t enough sun anyway, baked a couple of franks for breakfast, went out to walk him about when the sun was up, came back and had breakfast (rice, eggs and aforementioned franks), then delivered him to the sleepy arms of his mommy who had to feed him a record 4 times the previous night.

Continue reading Happy Father’s Day To Me


Ace is now at the ripe old age of 5 days and is a sleeping, eating and pooping machine. He is thankfully low maintenance which is helping us making the decision to move back to the condo sooner, pending the hiring of a yaya.

playing with the cousins

I can’t emphasize how wonderful it is that he isn’t difficult. All he needs is whatever he is crying about, and that can either be a new diaper or more often than not, food. Once provided he is a happy sleeping baby. I’m sure that’s on the surface though, because I’m convinced his body is working hard to make itself stronger. As it is he apparently doesn’t even have nose hairs to filter out dust, causing him to sneeze every so often. I’m sure the rest of his body needs to improve its ability to fight sickness and things like that. All of which are happening via the magic of milk (mostly formula until his mom can provide a regular supply), and rest. And he is getting a lot of rest, a reported straight 5 hours yesterday.

Continue reading Normalcy